Is having a serious personality a turnoff to girls?

2018-04-07 9:09 am
My girlfriend says that I’m a serious person, not boring or anything. Sometimes I have no conversation or don’t feel like talking and she gets mad because she’s the type of girl who likes to talk and cuddle. I like her very much but she complains that sometimes I’m serious and not affectionate. I told her that I love her very much but that’s just how I am. I made it clear that I will not change my personality type or my preference just to please her and that she can leave me if she doesn’t like how I am. But then she says that she loves me. Sometime I think that being serious is a bad thing. Although, sometimes I’m not serious at all. For example, when me and my buddies play soccer, I laugh almost the entire game (I don’t take it seriously, I just laugh and play around) but sometimes I’m serious. I don’t know what’s up with me but I’m the opposite of serious when I feel comfortable with the people around me. Anyway, do you think being somewhat serious a bad thing?!

回答 (5)

2018-04-07 9:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is not necessarily about being serious, more about communication. Naturally most people like to have fun. However, people communicate better in some ways, such as physically that others. Generally, men tend to be more sexually orientated, and women more romantically so (such as cuddling, etc. - which is more of an indication of emotion than is lust is). Some people prefer and are better at more mental/verbal type communication - and generally this is more women this than men. Generally!
2018-04-07 10:07 am
This is not about being serious. You're an introvert and she's an extrovert. You should read up on those characteristics- try the test at Introverts like to be with people too- sometimes- but they tend to get drained and run out of energy to keep up a conversation. I know quite a few couples where the man is an introvert and the woman is an extrovert. It's a combination that can work well, if she can understand that he doesn't need to be around people all the time, and he can understand why she does need contact with people.
2018-04-07 9:14 am
You are serious around her because you expect confrontation by the sound of things.
2018-04-09 8:24 pm
This one comes up so often it's worth keeping at the front of your mind: Dirty or uncared-for nails are an instant, stomach-turning turn-off for large swathes of women, especially if you're trying to put those nails near our bodies. Take care of your hands!
2018-04-07 12:43 pm
Most of the girls are like to funny moody but strong personality. They wants to make them happy. And focus on them. If boyfriend focus on girlfriend then they feel better.

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