What's your opinion on backwoods redneck atheists who don't believe in God?

2018-04-07 6:23 am
Do you think they should get an education in REAL science instead of being ignoret?

回答 (15)

2018-04-07 6:26 am
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Well yeah, everyone should get a good education in science and critical thinking skills, whether they are rednecks, atheists, muslims, christians or what have you.

"...of being ignoret?" [sic], i suspect you should get one, not only in science, but in how to use spell check.
2018-04-07 6:48 am
Every backwoods redneck I know believes in God, and I know more than my fair share of backwoods rednecks.
2018-04-07 6:46 am
That's funny. Real science points away from religions.
2018-04-07 6:37 am
Uhm...Any person, from whatever place, who actually understands science and who is not delusional and a scared child would understand that there's no evidence at all for the existence of any god, child.

You're not really smart enough to try to play satire.
2018-04-07 6:35 am
Wow - you people really like to sit around and imagine things that aren't in reality, don't you...
2018-04-07 6:27 am

If you hadn’t misspelled ignorant I would have thought you were serious. Keep trying though, you can get better with practice
2018-04-07 6:52 am
I don't have any opinion about somebody I know nothing about. Telling me that somebody is a redneck or an atheist does not tell me very much.
2018-04-07 6:40 am
I don't know any, and so I have not formed any opinion.

I'm not even sure they exist. It sounds more like someone is labeling groups of people in a disparaging manner.
2018-04-07 6:33 am
Like Trae Crowder, "The Liberal Redneck"?

I think he's pretty funny. And seems fairly well educated.
2018-04-07 6:48 am
Lol, another troll. Ignore this one guys.
2018-04-07 6:27 am
They need the confederates to help them...
2018-04-07 6:41 am
LOL. Most backwoods rednecks are dumb Christians.
2018-04-07 6:40 am
I do not really have an opinion because the only ones I know are Christians.
2018-04-07 6:35 am
I'd imagine progress would seem backwards to backward religious folk.
2018-04-07 6:32 am
Like you know any.

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