Should I go on vacation with my friend and her family?

2018-04-06 5:54 am
I’m 16 and my friend has invited me on a holiday with her family. At first I was really excited but now I don’t know, I’m having bad feelings about it. Don’t get me wrong I am good friends with her and I don’t want to sound mean but she’s very over the top and I think that a full week of being with her might really annoy me and I’ll get really frustrated. But at the same time it could be really fun and something to look forward. And I know I really am sounding like a total ***** but I don’t really like her parents. Also it’s really expensive, they’re going all out. My parents are willing to pay for half of it and I do have the rest but it’s still a lot of money. I’m supposed to be going to her house tomorrow to pay the deposit, what should I do?

回答 (6)

2018-04-06 6:07 am
Stay home, you'd ruin their holiday.
2018-04-06 8:51 am
up to u
2018-04-06 7:15 am
Feeling as you do about it, I can see why you'd wish her a great time and decline the invitation to join them.
2018-04-06 6:34 am
You're allowed to say 'no.' Just say no. Say that you enjoy having her as a friend but you don't want to go on vacation with her. You don't have to give a reason.
2018-04-06 6:08 am
I can't answer that but my daughter faces the same issue every year. She has friends, good friends that she hangs out with, sleepovers and such, Your age too. But they all dance, go to conventions, competitions, NY to see shows and such. After multiple days they all seem to start having little issue, over the top, one complains all the time, all little things that do grow when one is trapped with the other. I would say talk it over with your parents, whichever one is more understanding of these type of things. I do agree that it may be a great/good experience, that is the one reason my daughter continues to do these things.
2018-04-06 6:09 am
Go for the experience if it’s not too far you don’t have to spend the full week.

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