Why does my mom say i such a lazy bum?
I like playing video games and drinking beer, in fact i have a beer belly to prove and im proud of that. I finished high school just over 10 years ago and am in my early 30's and moved back living at my mothers because i started taking online college classes and to save money. But she says im a lazy bum because i dont have a job like other men my age. I had a part time job when i was a teenager and in my 20's like everyone my age! I think shes the lazy bum all she does is work a full time job and sleep or complain that im lazy. Your thoughts on my situation?
回答 (2)
She says that because it's true. I would be ashamed to even write that story, let alone post it. Living off your poor mother at your age is disgusting. Get a JOB.
You're 39 and you're taking online college and live with your parents and this is not normal, you should stay inside for a short time and go out for outside activities because your mother will hate you lying around or playing Xbox in your spare times, try to help your mother houseworks.
Because you are a lazy bum.
If the shoe fits ....
收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:24:07
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