Me and husband took a break. I miss him so much already. Do breaks really fix relationships?

2018-04-04 9:16 pm

回答 (33)

2018-04-09 6:30 pm
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You made vows for better for worse admittedly but if there problems creating you both to be unhappy then it probably is time to call it a day people will say work at it and if you think you can then do, absence does make the heart grow fonder, but why are you on a break what was the lead up to it, dont just want him back because your lonely or afraid to be on your own because no matter when you would find someone new if it comes to it, what I’m saying is your at this point in the marriage for some reason that you’ve not told us so there’s either work to do or call it a day if he truly makes you happy then fight for it but if your still going to be unhappy then As hard as it is you need to make that break from him, I wasted years of my life being unhappy before I found my current partner,please don’t be unhappy if you don’t have to be and despite what people say you can have all the love in the world for someone but if your unhappy it’s no way to live, good luck all the best
2018-04-04 9:24 pm
COMMUNICATION fixes relationships, not breaks.
2018-04-04 11:18 pm
More often that not, a relationship 'break' is the precursor to a break-up/divorce. Not always, but often. If the couple needs to refocus, marriage counseling is a better idea, even if they live apart for a period of time. Taking a 'break' to see what else is out there and check out the singles lifestyle (which is often what at least 1 party does), isn't the way to repair a marriage.
2018-04-05 1:59 am
NO: they do not usually what happens is that one or the other of those on a break ends up sleeping around which tends to wreck any chance of reconciliation
2018-04-07 3:02 am
That depends on why the break took place. Remember if it was over a cheating, it just gets easier for them every time !
2018-04-05 5:14 pm
In a marriage (or any relationship) there is no breaks, you're either together or you're not. You can't communicate or work on a problem if you're not together to do it.

I've been married twice (still with #2) and my first husband, we were separated for a while, then got back together only to ultimately end up getting a divorce anyway. Neither of us was really that great with communicated (it was both of us, not just him and not just me). We were together for 12 years, but only married for 6 (we started dating as teens, married at 22) and we spent a lot of time apart during our marriage some by choice but some of it was because he was in the military.

My second husband, our relationship is a lot stronger, he communicates very well and taught me how to as well. It helps that well he's easy to talk to in general and he will work at it essentially until it's resolve. When he's angry in general he will stay quiet and not address it until he's not because as he says when people are angry they can say things that are hurtful that you don't mean, you can't take back and worse the other person can't un-hear.
2018-04-09 5:34 am
Sometimes - a break sure can fix a relationship.

And ... sometimes it doesn't fix anything.

You may have a new perspective now - and want it to work.

Trying is worth a try.
2018-04-06 12:53 am
Sometimes it takes a separation in order for the two parties to realize how much they really mean to each other. Other times, they may realize that they are happier without sharing their lives. In the first instance, love is present. In the second instance, love is absent. I know an elderly couple who were quite close to each other but the man would not commit to marriage. Finally, the woman left because she was tired of waiting for him. After being apart for a while they both realized, the man mostly, that they did not want to be without each others companionship. He finally proposed and she said yes. They had a lovely marriage and are living the happy life of newlyweds. I have been away from my wife for two months due to her helping our youngest daughter with her first baby. I miss her terribly and am eager to retrieve her this weekend. You decide where you fall on this spectrum. One caveat though is that this is a two way street. You both have to feel this absence, not just one of you.
參考: my married opinion.
2018-04-08 2:44 pm
If at all possible stay in your marriage bed while you work on your problems. Pray daily for your marriage.
2018-04-07 6:13 pm
Did he break up for the other woman? Is he leaving you? If so, NEVER SHARE a relationship with another woman. Its called HAVING DIGNITY. There are a lot of women with LOW self esteem thats willing to share a man with another woman and speaking on a man point of view..That type of woman is a Ho,slut and will never be respected by him. She will only be cheated on in the future like now.

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