I couldn't get it up enough?

2018-04-04 2:32 pm
I went home with a girl last night for the very first time but I couldn't actually have intercourse because I couldn't get enough of an erection. Is this normal? Do you think Ill be able to have sex in the future? Should I seek medical attention?

回答 (12)

2018-04-04 10:51 pm
Most likely you were just nervous.

If it continues to happen, see a doctor, preferably a urologist.

Edit: I'll add that if you watch a lot of porn online, this can cause problems when you're trying to have sex with a real person. You may connect real arousal with porn. If that seems to be your problem, you need to go cold turkey on the porn. It could take a while to overcome the issue.
2018-04-05 10:59 am
Normally it is caused by anxiety and fear of failure to perform well enough. If you get good strong erections when masturbating then likely you have no medical problem. All males have days where things like this happen and you should not dwell on this failure as the more you fear you will fail the more chance you will next time.
2018-04-04 2:48 pm
Drink less first and see if that helps.
2018-04-04 8:56 pm
I couldn't get it up enough?
do not eat burger

take prolargentsize kiddo
2018-04-04 8:39 pm
If you are normally fully hard when erect, wake up with hard erections and can get one on demand otherwise, it is not a medical condition. Simple performance anxiety. Can be caused by being nervous and quite normal for many guys to experience this a few times when first having sex, or with a new partner. IF you are not experienced using condoms, too, then that can cause issues- guys need to practice using condoms and find a condom that fits them best. Often guys will be larger and buy normal size condoms, and the constricting tightness can cause discomfort and even loss of erection.
2018-04-04 4:51 pm
Yes, it's normal and no, you don't need to seek medical attention.
You were probably nervous and had performance anxiety. Were you drinking alcohol? Alcohol can affect your ability to get an erection too.
2018-04-05 2:34 am
It's completely normal and you will grow out of it. Next time (if you can) refrain from masturbating for a few days leading up to it.
2018-04-04 9:15 pm
you can't be in a hurry, just take your time, have her fluff you up a bit, prior to intercourse.....then you'll be fine
2018-04-04 8:44 pm
you don't see a doctor for performance anxiety
2018-04-04 2:33 pm
you're just nervous
2018-04-04 7:23 pm
probably a mental issue
2018-04-04 3:38 pm
eat lots of big mac beef burgers

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