No motivation to live anymore?

2018-04-04 12:13 pm
My life ain’t terrible. I bought my dream car, might get a new job soon, I workout. None of these things help

回答 (20)

2018-04-05 4:20 am
Have you tried eating at Panda Express?
2018-04-04 12:14 pm
Go volunteer helping others and find meaning in your life.
2018-04-06 3:10 am
It takes a lot of courage to reach out for help like you did. We are so sorry to hear that you are experiencing so much emotional pain that you are contemplating suicide. Know that suicide is never a good option; it doesn't solve anything. Suicide will only hurt you and your loved ones beyond repair. We can't stress enough how valuable your life is.

It's so important that you get the support you need to get through this difficult time. Please consider reaching out to a trusted adult such as a parent, aunt, uncle, school counselor, teacher, coach, or minister. We would suggest getting evaluated by a medical doctor or mental health professional, and getting involved in counseling. Please contact 911 if you need immediate assistance. It may help you to talk to a counselor at a hotline. Know that there is help out there for you and you are not alone. Stay safe!

Counselor, MT
參考: Boys Town National Hotline 1-800-448-3000,
2018-04-04 4:03 pm
Because they clearly don’t make you happy. Find a new relationship. Get some hobbies and do something fulfilling.
2018-04-07 4:04 am
Have you tried hentai?
2018-04-06 11:40 pm
Get a puppy! Someone to take care of and love and someone to love you back unconditionally. :) I know a puppy helped me through my dark times when I was contemplating it.
2018-04-06 1:13 am
Chinese food will not make you happy. Fortune cookies are not accurate they will steal your jobs
2018-04-05 1:39 am
One thing that has helped me as a christain that may also be helpful to you, is encouragement through Gods word the bible. For instance, in Matthew 5:3, we are admonished that we can find ginuine happiness in fulfilling our spiritual needs.
2018-04-04 2:58 pm
Challenge yourself
2018-04-04 1:13 pm
Me either. There’s nothing truly wrong, I just didn’t meet any of my life’s goals. Maybe all of us can form a support group.
2018-04-07 9:41 pm
You might be needing extra excitement then, might need to get in a relationship, you might be needing love in your life :)
2018-04-07 4:45 am
please don't give up i know how u feel you will beat this stay strong ❤
2018-04-05 12:10 pm
It is a common subject when someone feels no motivation for anything. This article will ... Do the things you used to enjoy bring you no fulfillment anymore? ... If you have ever said to yourself: I have no motivation to do anything, then this doesn't necessarily mean you're suffering from depression, despite the symptoms being combination..
2018-04-05 8:59 am
What helps me is knowing that my time left on earth is limited. Why not live the rest of it out and see what’s next? We don’t know for sure what comes after death, so make the most out of what’s left. There’s so many adventures, happy moments, and sad moments you haven’t lived through yet.

If there’s something else you want in life, chase it. Form a meaningful relationship with someone else, improve a skill. or go travel to another country or hike on a huge trail(like the Appalachian trail).

Everybody gets down like this. I definitely do as a high school student. Find a reason to live on to the next day. If you can’t, you’ll just be miserable, wasting whatever time you have left. Also consider the fact that you’ve achieved so much already. I hate walking everywhere and would kill for a car.

All of this advice will not be relevant to you in a few days. Try to make something in these responses meaningful. Decide on something you want to achieve, then do it.
2018-04-05 3:01 am
Life is often compared to a journey. Just as you may begin a trip with no final destination in mind, you could live your life without identifying its real purpose. If you do so, you risk getting caught up in what well-known writer Stephen R. Covey calls “the busy-ness of life.” He wrote about those who “find themselves achieving victories that are empty, successes that have come at the expense of things they suddenly realize were far more valuable to them.” You can find out the real purpose in life. (Ecclesiastes 12:13) Life is worth living! :)
2018-04-05 12:18 am
Meditation will teach you to be happy regardless of circumstances. Free course:
2018-04-04 8:31 pm
Perhaps you have been chasing things that truly do not mean a lot to you. Have a think about what really means a lot to you, perhaps you could use your undoubted talents in a way that makes you ready to meet the`day with enthusiasm and purpose.
2018-04-04 6:24 pm
I guess you might had a difficult times,let you see through human nature,or you are very wealthy
2018-04-04 2:33 pm
well, with your kind permission , it sounds to me it's about depression
and - until proven otherwise - it sounds as what is called-'' endogenic ( from inside ) depression'' - probably caused by some kind of chemical imbalance within your brain, with apparently no '' trigger event''/ trauma....
yet it's common, it's NO ONE's fault.... and it's treatable...yeah....
on the other hand - it's higly important not to neglect... as, inasmuch as left untreated - depression may plague one's quality of life and even jeopardize one's life....
please- inasmuch as possible - immediately let your Family Doctor there and your closest available family exactly know what you're going through- ask for and timely get the help you need....
it has to be a real- life, responsible, medical decision whether you need the professional help of a psychiatrist , in real life, in your area- and what has to be done- in general - to safely '' get you back on track''
do not neglect, please.... for your own good....
and may you stay forever- blessed and kept safe and proof from all harm...
參考: I am a Family Phyisician, living and working overseas...good health...
2018-04-04 12:15 pm
2018-04-06 11:14 am
Get tied inside a tub and fed nothing but honey everyday till the little demons start growing and crawling (and thriving on your 5h!t) inside your intestines and spread throughout your entire body and slowly eat you into a mummy from the inside-out.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:03:54
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