Lend my car to a friend to drive?

2018-04-03 1:29 am
Dear All Yahoo Users,

I have a question that how do I lend my Audi A6 to a friend to drive for a year and avoid all the speeding ticket come under my name?

Kind Regards

Thanks all.

回答 (19)

2018-04-03 3:23 am
By keeping the keys in your pocket and the car in your garage.
2018-04-03 3:11 pm
Don't do that. That's the dumbest thing you could possibly do.

If a vehicle is in your name, you're legally responsible for it. Forget parking tickets, you're also responsible for accidents. And towing / impound fees. And plates and registration. And insurance. The law doesn't give a damn who you lend your vehicle to, because the law holds you responsible no matter what.

It's a dumb idea. Don't do it.
2018-04-03 7:37 am
Sell the car before you let someone drive it. If they kill someone while it's under your name with your car insurance it's not going to go well for you.
參考: Mitsubishi Master Tech
2018-04-03 9:51 pm
Terrible idea for a bunch of reasons.

1 - You don't just loan your car to someone for a year, at least not if you understand what "liability" means with regard to being the legal owner of a car. If you want someone to drive your car for a year, you sell it to them immediately and transfer their name to the title (and most importantly, you take yours off of it upon sale). Why? Legal liability. There are LOTS of bad things your friend could do while driving your car that would end up costing you money (possibly TONS of money, like if he accidentally injures or kills someone etc.,). Sell the car to him if he wants it and you want him to have it.

2 - Get MARKET VALUE PRICE for the sale of the car as well and get it BEFORE you transfer the title to your friend. Do NOT just "gift" the car to him for a few bucks on a handshake agreement that he'll sell it back to you for nothing later. Once the car is titled in his name and not yours, you have no legal right to get more money for the sale later and no legal right to somehow force him to sell it back to you later if he goes against your handshake agreement and doesn't want to sell it back.

3 - The solution to getting a bunch of speeding tickets is easy - have some restraint and drive slower in whatever you're driving. The driver gets speeding tickets, not the car. Giving/selling someone else your car isn't going to make you drive slower in whatever you drive. Making the decision to not grossly exceed speed limits on a regular basis is the only thing that will fix getting a bunch of speeding tickets.
2018-04-03 7:48 am
You don't. Selling the car is the best thing to do.
2018-04-03 3:40 am
Draw up a written contract. Make your friend liable for everything.
2018-04-03 1:39 am
Get a real car, not an old man's fartbox
2018-04-03 1:57 am
You can't. When you lend your car, you better be sure that he is a good friend.
2018-04-03 2:51 am
Any speeding tickets issued to your friend will not show up on your license.
Be aware that your insurance may not cover him so I would check before loaning him your car.
2018-04-03 1:34 am
Speeding ticket are assigned to the driver, not the vehicle owner. However, parking violations and any liability claims will go on your registration or insurance

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