Can we all call our representatives to make sure there's a plan to house the 1300 Central Americans marching towards the United States?

2018-04-02 10:12 am

You can find your congressman and make sure he's aware that 1000 BASED colored gentlemen and ladies are planning on enriching our democracy and contributing to our economy within 3 weeks or less. Perhaps we can suggest the National Guard be sent to escort these people through the throngs of REAL RACIST Democrats who definitely don't want more PRO LIFERS settling in our country

回答 (11)

2018-04-03 4:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
it would be better to call in air strikes on the illegals.
2018-04-02 10:19 am
The consevative media has rightie in a tizzy over, frankly, nothing. Funny how the number of "marchers" keeps changing.
2018-04-03 3:28 am
Yes, Juli, you can.
2018-04-02 8:08 pm
Buzzfeed is the news service equivalent of the filthy old guy who sits in the bar drunkenly ranting at strangers every night. Pretty much nothing it has to say is based in reality.
2018-04-02 12:16 pm
I would begin bombing them before they get to the border. I would bomb Mexico too. We have a right to defend our borders from invaders.
2018-04-02 10:15 am
No. We can call and get them to threaten Mexico with sanctions if they allow them to illegally get here
2018-04-03 3:34 am
By U.S. policy, we cannot stop them at the border with the National Guard.
2018-04-02 11:20 am
Yeah, I don't believe a word says. Pretty sure no grand march of undocumented aliens is planned.
2018-04-02 10:19 am
We should
Set up a refugee camp in Ajo AZ
Do the humane thing until the crisis is over and then send them home
2018-04-02 10:17 am
89Such proposals had been considered by Congress since the Reconstruction Era. See Garrine P. Laney, “Proposals for Reparations for African Americans: A Brief Overview,” 22 January 2007, Report RS20740, CRS.
2018-04-02 10:14 am
I don't believe that story. Id believe you if you said 1300 Russians were coming.

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