PS3 Linux still used as PS3?

2018-04-02 8:01 am
If I install linux onto my PS3 will it retain its former use as a PS3? And if not can I install a PS3 emulator onto it?

回答 (3)

2018-04-04 4:53 am
You can't install Linux on PS3 anymore.
2018-04-03 2:04 am
First, that feature was removed a long time ago so you can't do it anymore.

Second, the PS3 only supported a specific version of Linux. You can't just take bog-standard Red Hat for PC and install it because the PS3 is not a PC. It doesn't use an x86 compatible processor.
2018-04-02 8:55 am
How would you even install Linux if the OtherOS feature was removed 8 years ago? That is unless you happen to have an old fat PS3 model and have never updated it.

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