我漸漸發覺其實跟外界所訴說不近相同,校園內充滿所謂的人情溫暖還有優良的環境,學長姐們對學弟妹們都非常的照顧,雖然都是競爭對手,但是也是互相鼓勵的同伴。可以從學長姐學到認真且努力的精神,也可以從老師身上學到許多做人做事的道理,真的是所謂的一箭雙雕,使我受益良多! 如何翻譯成英文?

2018-04-01 3:11 pm

一開始我以為學校的制度會非常嚴格,但是當我接觸到了學校的生活後,我漸漸發覺其實跟外界所訴說不近相同,校園內充滿所謂的人情溫暖還有優良的環境,學長姐們對學弟妹們都非常的照顧,雖然都是競爭對手,但是也是互相鼓勵的同伴。可以從學長姐學到認真且努力的精神,也可以從老師身上學到許多做人做事的道理,真的是所謂的一箭雙雕,使我受益良多! 如何翻譯

回答 (2)

2018-04-03 11:21 am
As far as the campus being concerned, it is full of friendly atmosphere and all the schoolmates are taken care of each other or vice versa; even with controversy and still being inspired. As a matter of the fact that, I have learned a lot e.g. diligent and spirit from my senior schoolmates and being human from my teacher as well; it seems to me to kill two birds with one stone which will let me be benefited from them. Yip
2018-04-01 5:54 pm
I used to think that the structure of the school must be harsh and rigid.

However, after my initial experience with the school life, I have come to realize that everything is more than meeting the eyes.

This campus is full of loves and warmth with excellent learning environment.

Seniors take good care of the juniors, even though they might be future competitors (as well as career companions).

We have been able to learn the hardworking spirits from the seniors and the morality from the teachers.

This might be a double-dipping gift that will keep giving in my life.

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