Who’s Better Britney Spears or Lady Gaga?

2018-04-01 12:39 pm

回答 (15)

2018-04-02 5:17 am
Spears was way hotter back in the day.

Gaga is all gimmicks and costumes.
2018-04-02 3:47 pm
lady gaga
2018-04-02 8:58 am
Britney Spears
2018-04-02 5:45 am
I'd vote for Lady Gaga.
2018-04-02 12:08 am
Britney Spears :)
2018-04-01 10:52 pm
Britney Spears
2018-04-01 10:44 pm
I like Gaga better.
2018-04-01 5:52 pm
Britney Spears
2018-04-01 1:55 pm
Both are the same to me
2018-04-01 1:54 pm
Lady Gaga makes me gag gag.
2018-04-01 12:50 pm
Lady Gaga can sing anything, from pop to jazz to The Sound of Music.
Lady Gaga writes and produces her own music.

Need I say more?
2018-04-01 12:47 pm
lady gaga
2018-04-01 12:43 pm
Both of them had better music in the beginning of their careers. Everybody changes their style for the worst as their careers progress.
2018-04-01 12:42 pm
Britney Isn't without her charm & talent,but I respect Lady Gaga more.
2018-04-01 12:41 pm
Lady Gaga

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