Why are we sabre rattling with Russia when there is absolutely no proof that the Russian government is involved ....?

2018-03-30 6:05 pm

回答 (12)

2018-03-30 11:07 pm
I think that this is a case of 'Guilty until proven innocent.'
2018-03-30 7:41 pm
Presumably to fulfil some political agenda . I don't see how you can declare someone guilty with no evidence whatsoever. They'd be laughed out of Court at a criminal trial.
2018-03-30 11:58 pm
we have lost the plot that is why with the USA we invaded and murdered Iraq on a pack of lies the Chilcott report took 7 years to tell us just that we helped destroy Libya and Syria we will leave out we sell bombs and help Saudi Arabia locate targets and kill babies and children in Yemen Saudi Arabia has a human rights record as bad as anyone in the world and we support them we are cancerous the Russian event could have been handled much differently no one will ever know the truth it will never be allowed it is the most appalling period of politics in British history total Theresa Mayish I am strong and stable vote for me and the result will be even more catastrophic than the election we can all see the incompetence even her followers it is horrendous and GT Britain is just letting it happen to scared to oppose for being unpatriotic we will pay dearly for this like everything else the conservative had done to UK MARK THESE WORDS I will fight for right but I am not a Nazi we are wrong
2018-03-30 11:17 pm
It distracts the Mail readers, and occupies what they think are their minds, and keeps them out of the brexit shambles.
2018-03-30 6:09 pm
Are you certain of that. Have you seen all the evidence, perhaps you are privileged to see secret information..
2018-03-30 9:59 pm
There is no other plausible culprit and the pattern of events fits with previous killings carried out by the Russian government.
2018-03-30 7:15 pm
Graham S, who is involved then, pray tell us. I know the oafs in Westminster lack common sense but they are not so stupid as to drag half the world into going against Russia if they didn't know all the facts. We are privy to only a fraction of it.
2018-03-30 6:18 pm
The Gays in government and the establishment are behind this crazy anti-Russian agenda.
2018-03-31 12:58 am
Truth ceases to exist as trust is lost in the prelude to war. The same applied in the Greek and Romans times. Arrogant politicians, particularly those who have been in office too long, invariably cause big trouble for neighbours and their own 'little people' as well. Unfortunately you were born into 'interesting times'.
2018-03-30 11:49 pm
The military industrial complex want another cold war, weapons manufacturer's want more wars and an arms race and the banks make money off all of this.
2018-03-31 4:16 pm
NO one is sabre rattling.. or at least no one in the west has.... wasnt the comments about being a nuclear armed country voiced by PUTIN?.Fact is the guilt is by association.. This nerve agent was only ever made by Russia and so it must have come from Russia... whether it came via a Russian government agent or some sort of Russian criminal organization doesnt matter. Such WMD should be under armed guard so that they cant get into the wrong hands which kinda means that Russian control of the WMD was lax which make it culpable , the whole thing has been handled very badly by the Russians and everyone else.
2018-03-31 3:50 pm
We are not "sabre rattling" at all, the government is sending a warning to probable culprits that their actions in the U.K are totally unacceptable. It is not the first time that Russian dissidents have died in very mysterious circumstances here. Putin has already told people that "traitors will kick the bucket" and I for one believe that he has carried out his threat. Anyone who stands up to him dies, shot dead in the streets of Russia or covertly in foreign countries.

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