Is it true that apple juice has arsenic in it?

2018-03-30 7:44 am
My mom said it does

回答 (4)

2018-03-30 7:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Apple seeds contain trace amounts of cyanide. But for it to reach dangerous levels, you'd have to eat a few handfuls of apple seeds.
2018-03-30 10:27 am
Yes, the same apply to all farmed vegetables and fruits due to polluted water & usage of pesticides but like the cyanide in apple seed, you have to eat a few handfuls of apple in order to get the negative effects (unless for some reason, the pollution level in water increase or farmer use more pesticides).
2018-03-30 7:52 am
Moms are always right- even when they're wrong (as in this case).
2018-03-30 8:13 am
It has rainbows
參考: 🌈
2018-03-30 8:05 am
No not true
2018-03-30 7:44 am

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