本人準備結婚了,但被婚姻處通知已經結婚多年!這下本人被驚吓到了!和一個陌生人結了婚也知道怎麼辦!為什麼會這樣! 本人現在十分徬徨 !希望大家能幫忙解決這事情!我要去報警嗎?要去婚姻處申請無效婚姻嗎?怎麼辦呢?
回答 (2)
結婚在台灣是登記制, 是誰登記和證人和誰簽字? 那配偶是誰, 他的身份字號, 戶籍資料, 再去法院告對方偽造文書, 如何登記結婚和證人等一併告之。
無效婚姻不是你說了算, 而是要由法院裁判。首先證明有人偽造文書, 有偽造你證件, 身份證, 戶口名簿, 證人去登記 , 當時登記的工作人員未盡全責查驗證明等等。
It will be an extremely complicated process.
The main reason is it is potentially both a civil and criminal issue.
In this case, what you should do is you should properly investigate the marriage in question. Specifically, if you are told you are married, the Immigration Department should have the marriage certificate on file. Get that certificate and see who the spouse is first.
收錄日期: 2021-04-30 22:18:41
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