
2018-03-29 2:58 pm
The better the program , the more people will pay to come.

請問知識大大們,此句不用加上is嗎?---->The better the program is, the more people will pay to come. 謝謝。: )

回答 (6)

2018-03-30 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
You certainly may omit the "is" but you may also add it back to the sentence to emphasize the situation.

The leading clause "the better the program (is)" is an adverb modifying the main clause "the more will come".
However, you should not omit regular verbs. For example...

The longer the program runs, the more will come. (You should NOT omit "runs".)
所以,一般來說,在這一種結構的句子中 be動詞,是可以省略的(除非你是要強調). 但是其他動詞就不應該省略.
The bigger (it is), the better (it will be).
The taller (he is,) the more handsome he becomes.
The less she runs, the harder she breaths.
2018-03-30 12:44 am
Comparison and contrast are expressed by the use of "the…the…" with comparative adjectives in parallel clauses. This structure is used to show proportionate increase or decrease.

Structure: the + comparative adjective + clause + the + comparative adjective + clause

Note that the word, verb, phrase and clause forms are parallel in each part of the expression. The verb "Be" is omitted in the reduced construction (see example-2 below).

The better the program, the more people will pay to come. (X) <unbalance, missing article in front of "people">
*** Parallel (like) structures must be used in each half of the expression.

Examples: (correction)
1. The better the program is, the more "the" people will pay to come. (clause-clause)
2. The better the program, the more the attendance. (noun-noun)
3. The better, the more. (adjective-adjective) however this sentence is unclear in meaning.
參考: englishgrammar.org
2018-03-31 12:16 am
感謝Duncan的補充解說。不過我還是第一次看到The more the people will come 有兩個the的這種用法耶,可以請你再解說一下為什麼會有兩個the嗎?謝謝你。

The better (clause-1), the more (clause-2).

This type of paired construction is called "comparative correlative". Some may refer the clause-1 as the subordinate clause and clause-2 as the main clause.

Both clause-1 and clause-2 could be reduced to phrase-1 and phrase-2. To make the sentence in balance (parallel in structure), the reduction is normally done at the both parts (front and end) of the sentence. Although there is no rule saying it is wrong to reduce only one part, people just don't do it.

front part: The better (the program gets),
end part: the more (the people will pay to come)

There are two activities in the sentence, comparing each other for the varying relationship.
When putting the sentence in its normal word order, that is "main clause" first, then "subordinate clause" after, the sentence will look like:

The people will pay to come more, the better the program gets.
= The people will pay to come more, as the program is getting better.

"The more" refers to the event of people coming (not paying more money, not more people), that is the frequency of the event occurrence.

"people" is a plural noun. It may not need the article "the" in the sentence. The reason I put "the" in front of "people" is for reason of parallelism as well as making those "persons" specific.

The people = those "persons" who would like to pay to come more often (not people in general)

The better the program is, the more the fans will pay to come. ("the" cannot be omitted in this case)
2018-04-01 2:29 am
The better I know her the more I admire her abilities. ==我對她的認識愈深,愈欽佩她的本領. In line with that,I would like to write the sentence in the same manner: The better people like the program, the more people will come to see Yip.
2018-03-29 3:23 pm
2018-03-29 6:38 pm
就有兩個動詞1.is 2.pay

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