Boss is trying to force me to come into work?

2018-03-28 6:25 am
I put in my 2 weeks notice @ work and my last day is on easter, but my boss scheduled me to work that day, I told them I can't and that I never checked the box (to work holidays) when I applied, they say I still have to come in. can they do that?

回答 (6)

2018-03-28 6:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
What's going to happen if you don't?

I'm going to make a couple of assumptions here.
1. You're young.
2. This may be your very first job, or at least one of your first.
Is this job in line with, and important to your career and life path?
Does burning this bridge really matter in the long run.
If this is just so e cheese ball job that nobody will care about in 5 years, who cares?
Your employer in 10 years most likely won't.

edit 2:
The word "manager" can change things. If you can write that on a future (even short term) resume or job app can help you. It starts to elevate you from the sheep.
If you don't have a real reason to take the day off, religious or some reason, why not work? It's just more money for you and being the guy that finishes what he starts is always a good thing.

My words of wisdom: "Don't do a good job to kiss your boss' @$$. Do a good job so he can kiss yours."
2018-03-28 3:56 pm
No, just do not go in, nothing they can do.
2018-03-28 3:19 pm
Easter is not considered a holiday.
2018-03-28 6:54 am
They can say that, but they cannot make you, especially on your last "day of work." It may have been better if your 2 week notice indicated that Friday 3/30 was your last day. But if you think they are just messing with you, close out all of your termination papers on the last day that you expect to work. What are they gonna do?
2018-03-28 1:08 pm
Yes, they can do that. If that day is within your last two weeks, you are required to work it. You don't "have" to check or not check a work holidays box. When you get a job, you work when THEY need you, not when you choose to work.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Employment law experience.
2018-03-28 8:33 am
You QUIT. The MOST they could do for refusing to show up for work is TERMINATE your employment.
2018-03-28 6:33 am
Since it would be your last day anyway, you do not have to show up for it at all, and that boss is used to dealing with employees not showing up for any number of reasons. I would write him and his boss a formal letter making the points you make for it and send it to both of them, if not hand the boss the letter the last day you show up. Go around the idiot rather than try any working with them.

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