There are many things scientists don't know about the Earth. Look at this image. See the earth's crust_sky where we live and contrast.?

2018-03-28 5:51 am
The mantle of the earth (diagram: grey) seems unbreakable.
A decade ago, Scientists accidentally discovered worms, spiders, crabs living in EXTREMELY hot water in the deep sea, this was thought totally impossible.

Remember, Jesus talked about undying worms in Hell. And we know from the bible that it is below the earth. And look how large the earth is when you compare the earth's crust to the rest.

So those trusting science, as Einstein said 'science without religion is stupid#

回答 (3)

2018-03-28 6:47 am
Scientists have never claimed to know EVERYTHING. So do you actually have a question? Or are you just venting a lot of hot air, like all ignorant, religious fanatics ?
2018-03-28 7:11 am
The doctors say there are bees in your head. They are right.
2018-03-28 5:55 am
Just to point out there is no image in your question but, are you saying that earth got only a few places suitable for human life, so that crap about the universe is made for us is wrong?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:05:25
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