Tea Poll: Green tea or Black tea?

2018-03-27 7:31 pm

回答 (33)

2018-03-27 7:32 pm
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Oh heavens, green, please.
2018-03-28 3:53 pm
Black tea
參考: Old video games couldn't be won. They just got harder and harder until you died. Just like real life.
2018-03-29 3:48 am
Green tea only.
2018-03-29 1:10 am
Black Tea......
2018-03-28 5:09 am
2018-03-27 11:45 pm
2018-03-27 11:19 pm
Black tea.
2018-03-27 11:09 pm
love both, any tea with taste rather than milk and sugar.
2018-03-27 11:06 pm
Black tea is best.
2018-03-27 10:42 pm
Black tea please.
2018-03-27 10:29 pm
Green Tea
2018-03-27 10:13 pm
Green tea for the most part.
2018-03-27 9:22 pm
I prefer black tea.
2018-03-27 9:22 pm
Black Tea
2018-03-27 8:38 pm
green tea ..
2018-03-27 8:11 pm
Green tea. :)
2018-03-27 7:45 pm
2018-03-27 7:43 pm
Black Tea for me.
2018-03-27 7:42 pm
only black tea thanks
2018-03-27 7:36 pm
I prefer black tea. I know green is healthy but I just don't like the taste of it.
2018-03-27 7:33 pm
2018-03-27 7:32 pm
2018-03-29 9:38 am
2018-03-29 4:41 am
No tea.
2018-03-28 6:16 pm
green tea is good for health..
2018-03-28 12:44 pm
2018-03-28 9:53 am
i like green tea since i tend to lose weight when im drinking it
2018-03-28 7:34 am
Green tea.
2018-03-28 5:20 am
2018-03-28 12:54 am
Both but I like it in original way which is no sugar or milk.
2018-03-28 12:20 am
2018-03-27 8:11 pm
Black Tea, milk no sugar,
2018-03-27 7:53 pm
Black; (sweet)
2018-03-27 8:17 pm

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