Do cons need their guns because of cases like Kathryn Steinle?

2018-03-27 1:15 pm

回答 (4)

2018-03-27 1:41 pm
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Conservatives need weapons to protect themselves, and their families, from Liberal crime and violence.
2018-03-27 1:18 pm
No,,we 'want them' because we value our rights and freedom.
I know I will never be a victim.
2018-03-27 2:03 pm

bc the c0ns wana play Tough Guy,

but w/ all the guns they have, and their anger [mostly irrational,]

THIS is STILL the Mex border -- one of the biggest threats to America : its massive infestation w/ MILLIONS of 3rd and 4th world


where are the brave c0ns protecting America ?

theyr sprawled on their recliners shouting @ Foxaganda, gobbling Twinkies and gulping soda & beer.

So much for guns saving America :
2018-03-27 2:03 pm
NEED is a loaded question. (Pun intended.) No one NEEDS an assault rifle and large capacity magazines. No one NEEDS a car with over 150 hp that can go over 80 mph. No one NEEDS a motorcycle, ATV, snowmobile or speed boat. No one NEEDS a Rolex watch or a fur coat. But it is not the governments job to determine what we need, unless you are a Commie.
Remember the Commie line, "From each according to their ability, to each according to their NEEDS." I do not need any of the above stuff, neither do you but if we want it, why should the government ban us from having it? IT is not about needs, it is about freedom to do what we want as long as we do not hurt others.
2018-03-27 2:49 pm
No, we have our guns because of the 2nd Amendment, granted to us BY OUR CREATOR!!
2018-03-27 1:54 pm
AMERICANS need the RIGHT to be armed to discourage some dictator wannab from trying to take control. Just the fact that WE ARE armed makes those who would take our liberties from us hesitate.

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