Conservatives, Who Was The Better President? HW Bush, Or Clinton?

2018-03-26 3:33 am

回答 (11)

2018-03-26 3:34 am
HW Bush since he was not a draft dodger.
2018-03-26 3:51 am
Many of the things Clinton is praised for were actually the doings of Gingrich and the congress. He did not go willing into a balanced budget. He fought welfare reform the whole way.

HW had the benefit of following President Reagan, so he inherited a strong and vibrant economy. Unfortunately, he gave in to the pressures of Washington and violated his pledge not to raise taxes, so he only served one term.
2018-03-26 3:39 am
HW Bush as he was there when communism collapsed and he pushed through the disabilities act. He won Desert Storm with a unified coalition of American, European and Middle Eastern countries backed by a UN resolution.
2018-03-26 3:34 am
Clinton was better at getting a Willard in the Oval Office. Bush was better at everything else.
2018-03-26 4:29 am
Most of what Clinton is praised for was the handiwork of Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republican Contract With America.

When it came to foreign policy, he was weak, cared more about keeping his approval ratings positive than in advancing America's interests, and kicked the can down the road on Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Islamic terrorism, etc.
2018-03-26 3:36 am
Bush was a better president but Clinton was blessed to preside during a better economy making him appear more competent .

Despite that booming economy , Clinton still felt it necessary to rob Social Security of 3 Trillion dollars to make the budget appear balanced .
2018-03-26 5:12 am
2018-03-26 4:41 am
Obama is the only president we have EVER had that was worse than Bill Clinton. Jimmy Carter was a hot contender, was worse.
2018-03-26 3:35 am
Clinton was one of the greatest presidents ever. Obama was the best president ever tho. Hillary would of been just as good. Trump HATES America and is taking freedom away
2018-03-26 4:58 am
Clinton-he banged more babes and Never got caught.
2018-03-26 3:39 am
HW Bush one term

Clinton two terms


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