Should i break up with my gf? 10 points?

2018-03-25 12:36 pm
I'm a 21 year old male, i´m with my gf for 2 years and 6 months, it´s a sort of happy relationship, she love me and i like her, but i´m super confused. The problem is i was a virgin before i met her, i barley had any relationships, unlike her that had met a bunch of guys in everyway and i feel bad i feel like a loser, i have a complex and jealous of the" players" i wish i had that many partners, i love her and don twant to seperate from her. i dont want to cheat onher either, what if i dont even get girls , plus i dont have friends, if i break up with her i might end up lonley. SOS

回答 (4)

2018-03-25 12:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Too much risk compared to small of a reward, or the real possibility of no reward at all. But more importantly you are missing the great advantage of not knowing what its like to be with others and to have someone to love. If you can't make friends in a relationship, you aren't going to make any alone and return to the obscurity you existed before you found your girlfriend.

Some of those players you envy aren't capable of having a loving relationship with women due to their own insecurities, and the rest actually envy you being with a woman that you truly love. In other words, by comparison you are the winner, not the loser.
2018-03-25 12:41 pm
The male ego is an astonishing thing. What does it matter if she had other boyfriends? She's with you now, and very happily so, apparently. If you're going to measure your worth by how many women you have sex with, then there's not much hope for you.
2018-03-25 3:59 pm
nah, not at least until you butt love with her a few times
2018-03-25 12:41 pm
If she can make barley for you, she can make barley for anyone.
So leave her alone.

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