Why do people rely on their partners for their happiness/fun?

2018-03-24 5:47 pm
Relationships are not always laughing and partying and all fun and games, life happens and life gets into a routine of monotony and I feel like people bail when relationships get to this point where reality kicks in and day to day life isn't always fun and happiness and constant excitement. Sometimes you might not always be laughing and dancing and feeling excitement with your partner, sometimes that could last for months at a time. But that's life. It's like people are always looking for the "high" of a new relationship and forget that relationships are work and about dedication and love for your partner through all sorts of times.

回答 (8)

2018-03-24 9:29 pm
everything comes in time...
2018-03-24 8:32 pm
Why are so many people in an unhappy marriage?
Why are so many people unhappy in their relationship?


2018-03-24 7:45 pm
If you have genuine love, which is rare, you might even forget you once knew the meaning of the word monotony. Life is certainly not all fun and game, but with love, it remains vivid. A single day can contain so much life you forget what happened four hours ago, as you would something that happened two weeks ago. A day can take two weeks to live.
2018-03-24 6:37 pm
Sure. It is unrealistic to think your partner will be everything for you. I strongly feel that your partner should be your best friend and confidante as well as the most important person in your life, but many things can suck the life out of a marriage. Research has shown that couples who have lots of things in common stay together longer, and that makes sense. Work schedules can wreck things - if I work nights and you work days and we only see each other 1 full day a week, that's not much. If I lose your respect, that's something else that puts a relationship on ice. Relationships are very complicated things.
2018-03-24 5:58 pm
its not the matter of relying its a matter of sharing and in a capitalist state that doesn't exist it cannot work and what we do in money we tend to do in life and become selfish relying is a woman who's husband is on the golf course every day you mean AND SHE MOANS SHE IS RELYING TOO MUCH married 49 years I know a little bit about it
2018-03-25 6:17 pm
Spot on!

Very best wishes


Source:) Study.
2018-03-24 8:35 pm
According to the research, married couples'
assessment of the quality of their marriage starts
to sink rapidly just after the "I do" and
continues downward through the first four years.


According to the National Center for Health
Statistics, the median duration of couples who
divorced between 1989 and 1990 was 7.2 years.

2018-03-24 8:31 pm

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