What would earn more; a television presenter on a small UK channel, or an estate agent in the UK? (Both with a few years experience)?

2018-03-24 3:27 am

回答 (4)

2018-03-24 3:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Presenter would be on salary.
the Agent would be on Commission.

Market fluctuations would severally affect the income of the agent, while the presenter would collect his/her salary every month. Either would be affected by downsizing equally.
2018-03-24 7:38 am
Most EA are on commission and the house market is not booming.
TV presenting is hard to get into. They don't advertise.
2018-03-24 6:20 am
Depends, is the estate agent specializing in Russian Oligarchs in London? Is so, estate agent...no question.

If you are really good as a presenter though...there is tremendous room for growth, but its a really hard industry.
2018-03-24 4:00 am
which ever pays more

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