I feel like crying....?

2018-03-23 4:38 am
I am 22-years-old and I have never been on a single date, never been kissed. Everybody kept telling me that I should try to put myself out there.

1) I do try using the dating app but I am always getting "curved"(meaning, I have a nice conversation with guys but then after a certain amount of messaging....they decide that they don't want to talk to me anymore). There is one guy I am talking to on the site but I see him as more of good friend. I only encourage his flirting but that's only because it's nice to feel desired in that way. I do enjoy talking to him but I am not sexually attracted to him. And even if I was.....he lives in a different state then me and I don't do long distance relationships.

2) I attend school online

3) I do not have access to a car. I only have three friends..... one of them does not have her licensce, one of them lives in Florida and the other one refused to hang out with me because she found out that I only proposed to hang out because I needed some excuse to leave the house to meet guys.

4) I do not make a whole lot of money to waste on a taxi.

5) There is no public transportation where I live

It's like....I don't know what I'm doing wrong. What does it have to take to meet that " Prince Charming"

回答 (2)

2018-03-23 4:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
What it takes is to get out of the house. I wish parents could see that home schooling is often a form of abuse. You don't meet people, make friends, or have a normal life. As a result, you meet guys online- and many of them have less that honorable intentions. I know people who have discovered that their home schooled daughters snuck out of the house to meet a guy she met online. Then she's devastated when he drops her after having sex, or she finds herself pregnant. If you're doing home schooling because your parents think they're protecting you, you need to be honest with them about your loneliness.
2018-03-23 4:45 am
I'd suggest moving to a bigger place where there are loads of opportunities to meet people.
Don't attend school online - go to a real college.
Join some clubs or societies.
Make lots of new friends.
And don't try to use your friends - that's disrespectful.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:00:34
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