Trump congratulated Putin's win! Does that prove that the Democrat/media 'poisoning of the well' operation on relations FAILED????

2018-03-22 2:57 am

回答 (7)

2018-03-22 3:08 am
It only proves that Trump is scared of Putin and does everything to please him. I wonder what Putin has on him.
2018-03-22 3:12 am
Most leaders congratulate other leaders on successful elections to keep their relations in good standing.
2018-03-22 2:58 am
2018-03-22 6:40 am
It proves that trump likes to kiss Putins a**.
2018-03-22 3:48 am
No it doesn't not by a long shot.
2018-03-22 4:20 am
It means Trump’s parents failed.
2018-03-22 3:16 am
That is the protocol when a world leader wins re-election. It would have been very unstatesman-like not to congratulate him. Why not? Russia is very generous to take the call, in view of the sanctions against them and other things the U.S. has done to Russia over the years.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:58:33
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