Will US Liberals ever win their war against "Russian Bots" and "Trolls" considering that the vast majority of them are not from Russia?

2018-03-21 3:52 am
For example, I have been called these things many times but I'm nowhere near Russia, I live in as top US ally nation, and as far as I'm aware, have no Russian blood

回答 (11)

2018-03-21 3:56 am
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Liberal trolls trolling America do more harm than Russian trolls. Just look at the fake news liberal trolls at CNN.
2018-03-21 3:55 am
How could ytou have been called these things many times when you're only a level 2? How many other accounts do you have?
2018-03-21 3:53 am
Which clearly means you're a Russian
參考: Reverse Logic
2018-03-21 4:22 am
Maybe you should wonder why a Russian bot and you are indistinguishable.

2018-03-21 4:11 am
It’s true that only “liberals” are fighting this war. It should be all Americans who are concerned about a foreign enemy interfering in our democratic republic’s free elections. But cons are far more interested in protecting one man-child than protecting their country. Their “patriotism” turns out to really be “Trumpism,” an obscenity hard to describe.
2018-03-21 5:16 am
the Liberals are SO MUCH anti-Trump that they would have a meltdown if the President put Russian dressing on his salad !!!
2018-03-21 6:25 am
Do you consider someone a Russian bot or troll because they write from the Russian point of view?
2018-03-21 4:18 am
Not today. Damn sure Not Tomorrow and More then likely never.
2018-03-21 3:57 am
You've obviously learned nothing from the Cambridge Analytica stories about employing psychology to weaponize social media platforms, based on your online user profiles. Nor do you understand more traditional state run propaganda based strategies.

Congratulations, you've qualified as a Useful Idiot.
2018-03-21 4:05 am
The easiest enemies to beat are those you invent.
2018-03-21 4:05 am
No,it'll prove that they have something against Russians.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:01:24
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