Will trump lose his base if he gets too hawkish against Russia (most people do not look forward to WW3)?

2018-03-20 7:32 pm

回答 (7)

2018-03-20 7:58 pm
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Only Democrats want a nuclear war.
2018-03-20 7:57 pm
No. He could literally say the exact same things Hillary Clinton was saying about Russia, and this time they would praise the words. Just look at Faux News' reactions to the idea of Obama meeting with North Korea versus Trump meeting with North Korea. These people are far too open with their hypocrisy.
2018-03-20 7:40 pm
Russia especially doesn't look forward to WW III. If you don't stand up to them, they will roll over you.
2018-03-20 7:58 pm
He will win by peace through strength, like he's doing with North Korea. Liberals don't understand that concept.
參考: Navy vet
2018-03-22 12:39 pm
"...most people do not look forward to WW3..."

Well... most people didn't look forward to the Civil War or to WW2, either.

Let me ask you something: Would you rather have been a citizen of Poland (ill-prepared), or of England (better-prepared) when the Nazis attacked? I'm sure modt citizens of both of THOSE countries weren't "looking forward to" war.

War finds YOU, whether you look forward to meeting him or not! And he doesn't shake hands.
2018-03-21 11:17 pm
He's not going to say anything against his cohort because he'll take him down with him.
2018-03-20 8:26 pm
LOL democrats claimed Bush would start WWIII. Oh well, let the rhetoric fly.

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