Anyone ever feel afraid or discomfort to take free stuff?

2018-03-20 3:00 pm
Since I was a child, I never steal stuff from others. I always had dignity, even though I was poor.

In college, I went to the advising office and they had a cup full of pens. I took one to fill out my form, and as the counselor called me, I put in back in the cup. The pens were actually free and for us to take, but I felt guilty to take it. Another time, another office, there was a cup of pens and snacks for students to take. I had the urge to grab a pen and a snack when I sat alone as the advisor went to get my papers. Somehow, I was afraid to grab one. I regret not taking the pens when they are free.

My college story is in the past, not present day.

回答 (4)

2018-03-20 3:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You're welcome to take them. Even though they're free, don't take more than one.
2018-03-21 2:29 am
As long as I can use it,I take anything I can get for free.
I got my computer for free.
Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
2018-03-21 9:12 pm
If someone is offering something for free, and you are not there mis-representing yourself to them, then it's ok to take one. In fact, it might even be seen as rude if you don't.

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