What would you call a crippling fear of talking in front of people?

2018-03-20 2:30 pm
Since as long as I can remember, I’ve had this inexplicable fear of speaking in front of people that I don’t know. I’m totally loud and expressive around my friends, but as soon as you put me in front of people that I don’t know I go totally and completely silent. I don’t know or understand where this “fear” comes from. The weirdest part is that it’s not even ~really~ a fear, it’s more like my brain just flat-out refuses to do anything that might come even close to embarrassing me. I also have this thing where I constantly doubt myself. Oddly enough it’s more over the Internet than it is in person. I’m constantly, and I mean CONSTANTLY worrying that I’m annoying someone or that my presence is completely unwanted. I’ve been struggling with these problems for a while now, but I never really fully acknowledged them until a few days ago. I want to know if there’s a name for this that somehow I’m completely oblivious to, or if I’m just weird.

回答 (13)

2018-03-20 2:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It's probably because of you doubt yourself, that you feel this symptom: crippling fear, which is called: anxiety.

You need to restore your self-confidence and too, self-esteem since you feel like: your presence being completely unwanted. Do a work on yourself with a psychoanalyst, they are specialized for fix the causes of your type of problem and many more... ( depression, phobia, manias, neurosis, etc... )..
2018-03-20 2:53 pm
It's just a fear of public speaking. Lots of people have that. You also have a problem with insecurity. The best thing you could do for yourself is take a class in public speaking. You will build confidence and get over both problems.
2018-03-20 2:38 pm
Definitely a good dose of social anxiety disorder, plus glossophobia technically... But if your asking why you have this, that's many hours of therapy. Just picture every one in there underwear. Jk hope that helps, good luck
2018-03-20 3:18 pm
Selective mutism?
2018-03-20 2:33 pm
Social anxiety and performance anxiety come to mind.
2018-03-21 10:17 am
If you're in school I would strongly suggest in taking a beginners Drama Course. It can help you overcome your fears in a perhaps small and safe classroom environment when having to perform with others. Again, just a suggestion.
2018-03-20 9:04 pm
Very normal fears of public speaking most

Fear more than death.

Very best wishes


Source:) Study and read some books on it.

2018-03-20 6:37 pm
What would I call it? Normal! It's the second-most reported fear in people.
2018-03-20 7:19 pm
You seem perfectly normal
2018-03-20 6:08 pm
it is not your fault - people are doing this to you, sometimes they did this on purpose to show something. maybe they want someone to believe in their cause, so don't worry about it. just move on and carry on... sometimes it is due to religious factor that people don't co-exist peacefully. different set of beliefs makes things blur.

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