Does somebody have to tell you you're fired?

2018-03-20 9:39 am
Been working this job for four days. This morning my clock-in and clock-out had a big X on it when trying to click in, one lead was pretty rude asking me about my experience.. I worked all day finished my assignment and I asked my boss about work tommorrow he kept mentioning overtime I stayed 45 mins late so I don't know if I should go in in the morning big bosses were there today as well but didn't talk to them

回答 (9)

2018-03-26 5:30 am
you need to TALK to the bosses to find out your status.
2018-03-20 11:52 pm
if you were not told you didn't need to come back then you come back until they keep you from entering the work place
2018-03-20 6:42 pm
They don't have to but they should tell you if you've been fired or give you a pink slip letting you know as much.
If you're not sure then have a chat with your boss, they should be able to tell you if you've been fired.
With places I've worked for, usually they would drag me into their office and tell me if I've been fired.
2018-03-20 1:06 pm
You go in if you were put on the schedule or if tomorrow is part of your regular hours.
2018-03-20 10:58 am
if they didnt tell you you were fired then you probably werent so i suggest you go to work if you dont want to be fired
2018-03-20 10:01 am
Doesn't sound like they're firing you. They will either tell you or they will stop scheduling you.
2018-03-20 9:54 am
Until they TELL you you're being let go, assume that you're still working at the company.
2018-03-20 9:42 am
It used to be that way but I would not be surprised at all if that not expected any more. Seriously. I've seen some insane crazy wild s**t in new business practices and acceptable behavior. If you're one of the ones that is unfortunate enough to be able to see the whole picture, it's as fascinating as it is frightening and frustrating.
2018-03-20 9:41 am
You should cause he never told you, you was fired ..act normal like you don't understand anything

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