Do you believe the Democrats or Republicans are more American, in other words who loves the United States more in these government branches?

2018-03-18 9:21 am

回答 (4)

2018-03-18 10:20 am
Neither one in government or politics. They are there to enrich themselves.
2018-03-18 9:36 am
Conservatives. Of which there are few, and not necessarily congruent with Republicans.
And there are almost none, if any at all in Federal government positions. At least the elected ones.
They believe in limited government, individual Liberty, and the rule of law. They used to be called"Classical Liberals", but the term is confusing today's climate. And much of what gets labeled "Conservative" is actually "Reactionary" in it's tone.
參考: conservative (small "c") non-Republican
2018-03-18 9:54 am
"Democrats" and "Republicans" are not "government branches," you drunken ignorant fuckbag. They are political parties.
2018-03-18 9:25 am
I believe that both sides are American and can't get any more or less American. Both sides want to improve their country and they each have different way of trying to do that. They both have different view points and trying to define which is "more (place label here)" is narrow minded and elitist.

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