What fighter or wrestler checked Brock Lesnar backstage. (Not jericho, not angle)?

2018-03-15 1:54 pm
A while back I remember hearing a story about Brock Lesnar yelling at someone almost beating the guy up, then someone went to go get another fighter to break things up and the guy got in Lesnars face and said “why don’t you mess with me” or something like that. Who was the wrestler that confronted lesnar?

回答 (2)

2018-03-19 5:51 am
Sylvester Terkay did back when Lesnar was in OVW.. this was back when another guy fake kissed Lesnar's then fiancee.
2018-03-17 12:47 am
That was Chris Jericho who wanted to fight Lesnar because Lesnar beat up Randy Orton badly at Summerslam and Y2J thought it was really legit.
2018-03-16 9:21 am

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