Question about Elon Musks?

2018-03-14 5:56 pm
Hi I am just wondering, Elon Musks, with all his spaceX projects, sending men or car to mars and stuff? What's the point and the benefits for him to do this? How does he make a profit out of this, and who is funding his projects?

Does he do this just for charity and pure advancement of humankind?

回答 (6)

2018-03-14 7:11 pm
The point of sending the car was that they had a new model of rocket. It was the first time they started one of these, they never saw one flying before. So they did not want to put some expensive payload on it, like a satellite or something and they did not want to fly it empty, because they wanted to know how it flies under normal (loaded) conditions.
They could have flow a large piece of concrete to space, but a used Tesla would make much better headlines and be super propaganda for the car company.

Sending men to mars is another goal. If we as humanity want to survive for more than 500 million years, we need to colonize space. The sun is slowly getting hotter and in about 500 million years it will be hot enough to evaporate all the water in the oceans. Live on earth will not be possible then.

"How does he make a profit out of this, and who is funding his projects? "
His company hauls other peoples satellites into orbit.

"Does he do this just for charity and pure advancement of humankind?"
Certainly not for charity.
2018-03-17 7:27 am
SpaceX is a money-making company, make no mistake.

But at the same time, all of humanity only lives on 1 planet. If anything were to happen to that planet, no more humanity.

So the larger, very (very very very) long range goals of SpaceX is to enable mankind to eventually settle on other planets. Mars would be just a first step.
2018-03-14 8:35 pm
It was like a show of what space x is capable of. Now people are lining up to give him money.
2018-03-14 6:52 pm
Elon Musk works for the advancement of mankind, motivated by the belief that Earth will soon be unsafe for humans, and he wants there to be a viable place for our species to escape to. His biggest concern, I've heard, is that AI will turn against humans and take over the world within the next 50 years.
2018-03-14 6:24 pm
The military buys his rockets (they were using much more expensive and much bigger rockets made to exacting standards). He sells Tesla cars. He made a fortune creating and running PayPal, and he hopes to make a lot of money drilling subways, using much smaller and much cheaper drills.
2018-03-14 6:10 pm
He has other businesses that he funds SpaceX with. At this point he’s not making profits, though is is supplying the ISS with trips, but money he makes goes back into the Mars mission.

Eventually, he’ll make money, but as far as I can tell, he just wants to go there.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 05:45:04
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