Will we ever see another genius like Stephen Hawking?

2018-03-14 12:54 pm

回答 (23)

2018-03-14 6:57 pm
Yes, of course. He wasn't even the greatest physicist of our generation. There are far bigger individuals who've contributed far more. You just don't know their names because they were not stricken with a debilitating disease that makes for a great story. I'm not saying he was a nobody or irrelevant, I'm just saying in the last 50 years there are people who've contributed more to physics and cosmology.
2018-03-14 12:56 pm
Their are probably already thousands of people just like him or are even smarter but just don’t get as much attention or recognition
2018-03-14 2:46 pm
All the time, and better than him, but you'll never hear from them. That's because they're are too busy working.
參考: Biology, mathematics, computer science, physics, ...
2018-03-14 1:01 pm
Science, especially physics, astronomy, and mathematics, is always making progress. Stephen Hawking came along at a very propitious moment. His insights advanced scientific knowledge immensely. It's to be hoped that other equally fine minds will follow in his footsteps.
2018-03-14 12:59 pm
No. You'll see other geniuses, but none quite like Stephen Hawking.

The same is true of Einstein, Sagan, ...
2018-03-18 2:22 pm
There's plenty of geniuses that are just never talked about. You're typing this on a computer with BILLIONS of transistors inside of it that's only a few millimeters across. Geniuses designed that! But nobody talks about them. There's geniuses all the time, everywhere, constantly developing new technology.
2018-03-14 6:45 pm
As a direct answer to your question, it is impossible to say, but they are few and far between. On a personal level, I was greatly saddened by the news of his passing. Many years ago, I was an exchange student and was honored to attend some of his lectures in Cambridge UK. Not only was he a truly great scientist, but also a humanitarian. He was mine, and many others inspiration to take up the academic life. Without him, I may not now be an Associate Professor of Astronomy and a theoretical physicist. RIP my friend, the world is a lesser place without you.
2018-03-14 1:29 pm
maybe , he WAS a well respected person.
2018-03-14 1:25 pm
Sure, but it could be a while.
When Einstein died, I am sure people wondered the same thing.
2018-03-14 7:14 pm
Hey, wake up you's all. To questioner-- That's like asking, "Will there ever be another Yankee (ball player) like Lou Gehrig," in case you are unfamiliar with ALS which afflicted Hawking for so long. And, surely we would (all of us) figure that Hawking the physicist never swung a bat and Gehrig the idol never thought about gravitational fields. So it seems more likely than not that the answer is: No, but we could prove wrong!
2018-03-14 1:30 pm
Genius like stephen are born in centuries. we wish we can have people like him.
2018-03-14 12:55 pm
Yes, his name is Peter Chao
2018-03-15 6:48 pm
I never seen
2018-03-15 4:21 pm
They come along from time to time so yes.
2018-03-14 11:44 pm
Get money
2018-03-14 11:27 pm
He was an inspiration for me in that he still wanted to live, even though he had that horrible disease that kept him in a wheel chair and unable to talk on his own.
2018-03-14 11:27 pm
Perhaps some asked the same question after the deaths of Newton and Einstein.

I'm wondering if he'll end up in Westminster Abbey.
2018-03-14 1:29 pm
I should hope so! His old colleague Roger Penrose was his academic equal and is still very much alive.

I guess now we have sadly lost Professor Hawking it is up to history to decide quite where he belongs in the pantheon of scientific greats. At the risk of taking flak from others on the board I consider Hawking to have been amongst the greatest contemporary scientists but in historical context has been perhaps only a B rank physicist. I don't feel able to compare him to men like Einstein, Bohr or Dirac.

Hawking was without doubt an outstanding science communicator, very much in the mould of great Richard Feynman. Unlike Feynman, Hawking had to do his outreach work confined to a wheelchair and with an 80s speech synthesiser. Being able to educate so many and continue his cosmology research whilst in such a debilitated state is surely one of the great aspirational stories of our time.
2018-03-14 1:02 pm
Yes. To see them look in the mirror.
2018-03-14 1:09 pm
Yeah they seem to be ten a penny.

Few of them work in astronomy though. Maybe you could look for them in chemistry, biology, medicine, the arts, music.

2018-03-14 6:10 pm
2018-03-14 5:48 pm
If somebody is an atheist it impossible for them to be a genius.
2018-03-14 5:32 pm
Hopefully, the NEXT "great" scientist will be a CHRISTIAN. Hawking was a devout atheist. The man said before he passed he was "finding God" when all he had to do was go to a good faith-based Christian church, get Saved and give His life to Christ and pray and read His Bible and live right. I hope he DID get Saved before he passed.

The problem I had with Hawking was he was trying to figure out how the universe works and is held together, and such, without seeking God. He was one of these big-name scientists who was leaving God out of the equation.God could have REVEALED everything he wanted to know.

I hope all these other big-name astrophysicists I hear about- Kip Thorne, Degrasse Tyson, etc. get Saved too.
參考: Christian.

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