why do I feel so worthless, apathetic, and melancholic?

2018-03-13 5:49 pm
I'm so utterly ashamed of myself. I hate every little thing that I do, and every aspect of my personality sickens me. I stopped going out and I lost communication with all my friends. My family doesn't understand me, and I don't understand them. I'm so alone. My thoughts are so cruel to me. I've recently lost motivation for everything and it makes me so frustrated because I want to do everything, but at the same time I don't want to do anything (does that make sense?). I want my life to be so much better; I want to accomplish goals and make friends. I WANT to live my best life, so why can't I ever grasp the motivation to do simple tasks?

回答 (3)

2018-03-14 12:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Try to move one step a time instead of trying to progress through leaps and bounds. Whenever your free think about what are the tasks you need to do now or make checklist. When your tired don't force yourself to do anything. Just take some rest. When you regain your energies you can recontinue your activities. Don't insult yourswlf by indulgin in unnecessary hardwork
2018-03-13 7:28 pm
They understood that you need space so they have you the space.
Think about the things you want to build up on. Love, kindness, etc and do it. You haven't even start planting, how to bear fruits to eat?
You want friends, but have you encouraged anyone and treat anyone as one.
You want love from your family, but do you even know what they're suffering on currently?
You want people to care about you, but you're not findable. You assume people can find you. But no, they don't know. Do you even know how to find them when they are troubled?
People do show some care on you whether you realize it or not. But you learn how to love others too.
2018-03-13 5:49 pm
Sounds like a typical teenager - so what?

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