The median of a set of six consecutive integers is 29/2. What is the value of the smallest integer in the set? Best answer?

2018-03-12 8:36 pm
Show work. Best answer

回答 (3)

2018-03-12 9:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let x, x+1, x+2,x+3,x+4,x+5 be the six consecutive integers.
They are already in order.
The median is the average of the third and the fourth values
Median = ((x+2)+(x+3))/2 = (2x+5)/2 = x+5/2

x+5/2 = 29/2
x = (29/2-5/2) = 12 (smallest integer)
2018-03-12 8:44 pm
Let n be the smallest integer.
Then, the six consecutive integers are n, n + 1, n + 2, n + 3, n + 4 and n + 5.

The median = the mean of the third and fourth integers
29/2 = [(n + 2) + (n + 3)]/2
2n + 5 = 29
2n = 24
n = 12

The smallest integer = 12
2018-03-13 2:16 am
Let set be x , x + 1 , x + 2 , x + 3 , x + 4 , x + 5
Median is [ 2x + 5 ] / 2
2x + 5 = 29
2x = 24
x = 12________smallest number in set

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