I have a question about jump starter cables.?

2018-03-12 12:57 am

回答 (13)

2018-03-12 1:26 am
Did you fall asleep at your keyboard?
2018-03-12 12:58 am
And I have the answer.
2018-03-12 1:02 am
Are you looking for permission to ask that question?

If so, you may proceed.
2018-03-12 12:59 am
Sure and I have a question, what is your silly question you want answered?
2018-03-12 3:22 am
Mine are homemade with 0 gauge rope layed cables and 200 amp rated Mueller Clips. I made them in 1974 and they've started well over a hundred cars. Hope that's the answer you wanted.
2018-03-12 9:30 am
The shorter the cable length and lower the AWG number stamped on both cables ( 6 or 4) are generally the best cables. Lower AWG number cables usually have stronger alligator clamps for better electrical contact.
2018-03-12 1:35 am
Real cables for this are FAT. The ones you can buy in Walmart etc, are cheap and they don't last. WIRE SIZE is a key issue. the common cheap ones are #8 and this is not big enough for proper use. The smaller the number on the wire size, the bigger the cable and the more they cost. You should look for ones that are at least # 4. The small ones will melt when you try and start a car if you don't let them sit on the batteries and transfer charge for a while. If the battery is totally dead and it may be cold enough to freeze it, then it will never start with those cheap cables. The cables should be big enough to start the car instantly when connected. Look at the connections in the engine compartment that are hooked to the battery and see how big they are! This is how big the cables should be. As far as connecting them goes, Hook RED cable to + on the battery that is dead, hook Black cable to any bare metal that is heavy gauge on the car. Not a painted surface or a hose etc. The reason is because batteries make HYDROGEN gas when they charge and you don't want a spark to cause the battery to explode. The other ends of the cable that are hooked to the other good battery are hooked up the same way. NOTE that the radio and any other electronics and electrics should be turned off on both vehicles to avoid damage. When you are done, unhook the cables in the same order that you connected them. IF the jump started car engine dies when you unhook the cables from the battery, the alternator is bad. IF the battery froze due to cold, REPLACE it! If the battery is totally dead on more than 2 occasions, replace it! Batteries are rated on age and the longer they are designed to last, the more they cost. There are 12, 24, 36 .... and this months that they are designed to last.
2018-03-13 5:17 am
A good 4 gauge set, preferably the blue arctic weather wire insulation type that won't crack at -20F when you need 'em the most.
The cheap ones they sell in the emergency road kits are worthless unless you need them to start your lawn tractor to blow snow.
They are typically rated in amps, a 200 amp set can start a 4 banger but you will want the 400 amp set to start a cold V8 engine.

2018-03-12 9:12 am
Edit your introduction, and add your question!
Then maybe we can have an answer from you.
2018-03-12 1:52 am
Yes, you do have a question about jump starter cables. Your question is:

"I decided to jump start a golf cart with another golf cart, and I ended up leave the cables connected to a golf cart, and it later caught fire and I ended up having to put it out.

Is the battery of the cart that it's connected to ok? Are there any after effects that I should be aware of?"
2018-03-13 2:45 am
1. The heavier the better. 2. Get ones at least 6 feet long, 12 feet is better. You never know which side of the jumping car the battery is, some cars it is inside the cab, sometimes you can not get real close. 3. Make sure you know how to jump to and from each car. Some cars you have to hook directly to the battery, others have points specifically designed to attach jumper cables. (For example, the GL Mercedes has the battery under the front passenger seat, the jump connectors are under the hood.) 4. Connect the positive first and make sure you got a good connection. 4. Connect the negative to the running car first, connect the negative to the car that needs the jump IDEALLY in some location away from the battery. (Older batteries outgas hydrogen gas and making the final connection at the battery can ignite the hydrogen causing an explosion.) 5. Be ready to start the car ASAP. Once you get it started, disconnect the cables in reverse order. 6. Run the car for at least 15 minutes to charge the battery. 7. Figure out why you needed a jump and fix it. (If the battery is 4 years old or older, get a new one.)
2018-03-12 8:04 am
YA provides an update so you can add on to your question.
2018-03-12 7:07 am
Well ask the question. In most cases just connect the cable to the battery , car will start and game over. Odd cases you could blow the central computer doing that Guessing you are not driving a Lamborghini or Bugahati, it won't hurt to just jump.

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