How to deal with the concept of ageing and death?

2018-03-11 2:07 am
"Live each day as if it was your last" A saying that has always stuck with me. While it's suppose to remind you that time is limited and you should aim to accomplish a lot each day, I fixate on the limited time aspect and can't seem to ever stop thinking about it.

It's true; we all meet our end. Doesn't bother me what comes next: either there's some spiritual plane where we all gather or there's nothing and if it's the latter, it's not like we're going to be aware of it right? Our sentience is gone at that point. One things for certain; we don't come back. so I think the best way to live life is to do everything you want to do while you're here.

What bothers me is WHEN it could happen. I try not to focus on the what ifs, but perfectly healthy people who: eat well, exercise and have no bad habits, can still drop dead from anything though granted not as likely as others. There's also all sorts of unnatural ways you can die and people with ill intent who just want to kill large numbers of people and you could be one of them. Even then, we all age a little everyday and will eventually become so old that we can't do anything; not even look after ourselves.

My biggest fear is my life being cut short; not being able to accomplish my "bucket list" because I kicked the bucket at age 30. Due to this constant fear, I've developed a negative outlook on life and can't enjoy it. I know this is a bad mentality, which is why I ask this question; I need help.

回答 (5)

2018-03-12 12:23 am
You say that you don't fear being dead, considering that you'll either live on in the spiritual realm or rest in peace, and yet you're worried that you'll die young and your life will be unfulfilled. I certainly wish you a long and full life, but have you really thought about the afterlife? You seem to assume that there can be no fulfillment there. On what do you base this? We know what happens to people a few seconds or perhaps a minute or two after their hearts have stopped beating, and there are researchers who argue that study of this is evidence of life after death. Aside from that very small window of time, we know nothing. Cynics say that people would be bored with the afterlife in a day or two, but have nothing to base that on.

There's a writer who talks about this at length, one of my favorites.

"You don't hope to weigh 300 pounds. Why should you hope to live 300 years?"
- Marcus Aurelius

This is one of my favorite sayings.

"Those who love life most fear death least."

When I say love life, I mean living in a way that's meaningful to you.

Good reads - Abraham Maslow and Erik Erikson
2018-03-11 5:36 am
Find someone to take a day and read these articles together. I seriously promise that you will not regret coming to know these articles. Do one article at a time, and try and have a 4th day review for it for best benefit.
Dr. John Bargh, Yale U., "Our Unconscious Mind"
In this article, Dr. Bargh proves that all of our lives is made up of impulses, and all of those impulses incorporate judging without knowing, mimicking without knowing and stereotyping without knowing, making for all of us to be stupid.
Dr. James Messina,, "Handling Pride" where pride goeth before a fall, and just how and why is pride a mortal sin anyway?
Dr. James Messina,, "Handling Insecurity" where EVERY old person that I have met really does say how we all do need to know more about insecurities, and we all need to start learning it much earlier ages.
Do you really know just how much brainwashing you are under? This next article is great for the "Poor me" type of things that we all can feel from time to time. It is also excellent for cutting through all the brainwashing done to us by both business and government.
These articles are a precursor for leadership skills training too. Again, I PROMISE you will not regret coming to know these.
2018-03-11 2:40 am
maybe you should try to think more about life instead of death, its not good to focus on something you cant control anyways
2018-03-11 2:22 am
i accept death and im 14
2018-03-11 2:11 am
live the **** out of your life

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