What do you think I should do?

2018-03-10 7:34 am
I'm 33 my boyfriend is 39 I met him in college in 2005 now we live 1 hr and 50 minutes from each other. All week he kept nagging me to call him back every day now he's telling me to take a train to see him I don't feel comfortable doing it I tell him I have something else going on he doesn't seem to understand it. It can be risky taking a train all by yourself if you don't know where you"re going. He was different in 2005 when I met him. The way he's acting is scary when I say I can't see him he won't leave it alone I don't know what to do.

回答 (3)

2018-03-10 7:41 am
Tell him you met someone CLOSER to you.
He will make EVERY EFFORT to come to you, IF he really cares.
2018-03-10 8:08 am
I know the world can be a scary place "however" one can turn it into a real nightmare obsessing over being attacked despite being a woman! I do however agree with the point that going some place you've never been before can be daunting, especially if he's acting like Ted Bundy!
2018-03-10 8:04 am
Sounds like, 13 years later, it's not working out very well.

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