my parents refuse to let my get a hamster?pls help?

2018-03-09 2:47 pm
i really want to do something good and adopt a rescue hamster.but my parents say that since i already have a dog i cant have a hamster. i guess they do not understand how much i love animals and that i am not being greedy in any way but am just very passionate about animals. i have tried everything from showing them pictures, giving them information about hamsters, telling them why i want a hamster. but they just yell at me and saying no way without even bothering to

回答 (6)

2018-03-09 3:02 pm
Then learn to respect your parents and decisions they make about pets in THEIR home.
2018-03-15 7:44 am
You already have a dog. They don't want more pets. Even hamsters cost to feed and upkeep.
2018-03-09 3:23 pm
Be sure you are taking complete care of your dog with out being told. Help around the house with out being asked. Make sure your grades are as good as they can possibly be. Do everything you can to show them how grown up and responsible you can be, and then ask them again in six months.
2018-03-09 5:24 pm
Good for them. They know you will never take care of it and will be bored of it in a week. You are not passionate about animals. you are a typical greedy child who wants something and can't stand being told NO.

You have a dog you don't take care of and since you refuse to take no for an answer, you are not mature enough to a pet
2018-03-13 1:09 am
Apparently they are firm in their decision about no hamster right now. You have a dog, so give your dog the extra love and attention it deserves in the meantime.
2018-03-09 3:09 pm
Go on a hunger strike

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