How do you open up to your therapist while you have trust issues?

2018-03-09 12:53 pm

回答 (7)

2018-03-11 1:32 am
That's not your problem. Rapport building is the job of the therapist
2018-03-10 2:25 am
By realizing you are only hurting yourself by not telling them what is bothering you.
2018-03-10 2:20 am
I have trust issues too. My first therapist I couldn’t open up to. I felt like she wanted to hear the gossip about my life and that she didn’t genuinely care for me. However, I tried another therapist and I didn’t open up about anything important at first, but after a few sessions I ended up trusting her enough to tell her a painful memory. You need to listen to your instincts. Us people with trust issues are hyper vigilant with who we trust and I think it makes us better judges of people. Maybe you don’t open up because you’re instincts are telling you not to... just wait until you feel ready
2018-03-10 1:38 am
Just spill the beans baby: I cannot stop the bleeding if I cannot find the wound.
2018-03-09 12:57 pm
Just be honest and tell your therapist you have trust issues so you may keep some details to yourself. A good therapist will understand this and work with your issues without having to know every detail.
2018-03-09 8:34 pm
I dont. They write your business down and go on home forgetting who the hell you are.
2018-03-09 12:54 pm
You don't

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