Is Suicide my only option... Literally begging you to help me Details....?

2018-03-08 9:59 pm
I begin by saying that no one in this world must have the difficuly I am going through for the past 19 years. My childhood was horrible. No one accepted me as a child. Every KID OF MY AGE MOCKED ME. Something was wrong with my behavior. I wemt to middle school and then hogh school, Still everyone mocked me., Bullied me, they called me selfish, they riddiculed me jn front of everyone. I cried everyone. Tried suicide once. Failed in all ******* stuffs. Everyone I met will start to mock me after literally 2 minutes of convo woth me. WHY? I dont know. My paremts also hurt me by reminding me of how unlovable I am. They tell me that I am immature. I am stupid. I think my life is worthless. I cant enjoy my life. I dont have a single friend. My parents think of me as a loner with a mentally sick brain. Everyone I see looks at me as if I was something of a sort of ****. They laugh everytime I pass by them. Is suicide my only option? Please dont tell mistake is not mine... HOW CAN EVERYONR HATE ME? There is so.ething wrong with me. I visited 3 PSYCHIATRIST out of depression and failed. Should I commit suicide. I cant hang on. I swear its PAINING. please I beg you To help me.....

回答 (4)

2018-03-08 11:19 pm
No. Suicide is not your only option. I know its hard, and I know that this sucks in all the wrong ways, but you are so strong right now. Look at what you are doing. You survived Middle School. You are fighting through high school. You know that you are looking for some thing to survive and came here for help. Asking for help is the bravest thing that anyone can do. I am not joking. It takes guts and courage for someone to admit they need help, and need something to latch on too. And that is what you are doing.

Just imagine this, you are a marine trapped behind enemy lines in a godforsaken place. You have no weapons, no tools, all alone. But you are asking for help. You don't care if all you get is a stick, because that is what you will use. You took that stick and are fighting your way through all of this **** to survive even if it is a stick.

So you know what, **** them. **** those people because if they want to be dicks, fine. You have that stick and you aren't giving up for ****. It can be anything. a goal, a dream, a feeling. You want to see a movie when it comes out? You love the taste of a food, or the feeling of the sun? Did you always want to travel to china? Having grass on your feet? Those are the things that you are about, whether big or small they are your things. What you care about, and what you are attached too. Find your joy, even if you have to fight through all of these pissant people to get to hit, find it and never let go.

But I am not a professional. If you want to text someone to better express yourself, use It is a texting service on phone and computer for a calmer environment. You can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) if you want to talk to someone.

if you want to make connections, try online. Tumblr, pinterest, youtube. You can make friends with the users, or just find something you enjoy a lot. You might like posting pictures, or want to try drawing and sharing it. Anything expressive is good.

I want to show you one of my favorite quotes. It is from The Adventure Zone, a dungeons and dragons podcast. Maybe you want to give it a try, as my stick to you.

"What brings me joy is life. I think you can find joy anywhere in life. I think it's a conscious choice. I think you choose joy. And no matter how bad things are, no matter how crummy, how dark, no matter how many times some guy named John kills your ***, you find joy."
I've found joy, honest to god, getting to know you. I've found joy playing chess with you. I haven't enjoyed getting my *** killed, but, I find joy in whatever I do.
I don't always do things right, and I don't always do things smart, and I don't always do a character voice, but whatever I do, I find joy in it. Because, at the end of the day, that's all you got: looking back at the joy you had, and the joy you found, and the joy you gave other people."
參考: if you need anything, let me know. I can be here for you
2018-03-10 1:56 am
No, suicide simply is Not an option!
My E-mail is open. Write me a note, write me a letter, write me a book........I Will Respond.
2018-03-09 9:57 pm
Stop thinking already. Basically stop thinking.
-Quieten down and take slow deep breaths everyday-it helps you to learn to stay calm.
-Be knowledgeable. What you have learned is what is heard, and you may have misunderstood, due to lack of knowledge. Don't be lazy, be diligent.
-Don't envy. Different people have different lives. You may have walked a different path, but it's all for your growing and maturity. Maybe for the future you can help others who also in the pitfall as you and pull them up. Don't be envious. Seeing a friend with another friend, nothing to be jealous about because this friend is already your friend, all you need to do is to have a conversation, what is so difficult about, nothing to be jealous. I'm stressing my point so I'm reusing some few words.
2018-03-09 3:32 am
No,being stubborn and starting over is the better option.
Forget the past and plan on proving you can be great at things.
Learn a trade.Teach yourself.Then live life as you choose.

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