what is the government doing about overpopulation?

2018-03-08 2:31 pm

回答 (11)

2018-03-08 3:22 pm
Reinstating the death penalty.
2018-03-08 2:38 pm
Which government? China had a one-child policy for many decades.
2018-03-09 6:22 am
2018-03-08 11:23 pm
India is the biggest concern. They are going to all starve to death if they don't do something.
2018-03-08 3:21 pm
Which government in which country?
2018-03-08 3:14 pm
They are giving Planned Parenthood millions of dollars.
2018-03-08 2:55 pm
Bringing in more africans to put on welfare.
2018-03-08 2:35 pm
What country are you from
2018-03-08 2:35 pm
Nothing, nothing needs to be done.
2018-03-08 2:53 pm
Heart disease and diabetes is epidemic. By 2035 75% of adults will be obese. This generation will be the first to not live longer than the one before it. The population in western nations is declining. Be patient.
2018-03-08 2:34 pm
I don't know which country's government you are talking about, but overall not much.

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