Do you think time travel will ever be possible?

2018-03-08 8:45 am
There's lots of versions of time travel. There's the most dangerous "Back to the Future" type where you visit a time in the past as you, and you can go around and interact with people. Then there's the type where you "rewind" time, which is less dangerous but more permanent, and rules out visiting ancient eras. Then there's the type I'm talking about- the "Christmas Carol" type, where you can go back in time and just observe, as an invisible ghost from the future.
As a college student who is strongly nostalgic for my past, I really REALLY wish I'd taken more pictures as a middle-schooler/early high-schooler. Unfortunately, when I was young I not only didn't think about things like nostalgia, but I actively avoided the camera. So all this to say, do you think there will ever be a way to travel back in time and witness your own childhood? Or is that just the stuff of fantasy?

回答 (16)

2018-03-08 5:17 pm
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There are that many stories about time glitches, people minding their own business then suddenly seeing everything around them change. Only one needs to be true. After that, its a case of learning how to control it. It was once thought that we would have to reach light speed to alter time. Occupants of a ship travelling at light speed for two weeks would find everyone had aged 20 years back on earth. We now know different. An atomic clock is a clock that can display time broken right down to nanoseconds. It is accurate to some silly figure. A loss or gain of a millisecond in a billion trillion years or so. One clock was put on a plane and the other was left on the runway. The plane took off and flew for one hour at 350 mph before landing. When the clocks were matched, the clock on the plane was now a couple of hundred nanoseconds out from the other one. A tiny fraction of time but it was never the less in the future by an amount of time we can't recognise. It seems that by simply moving we are altering time constantly or if you like, we are travelling through time as well as space when we walk to the shop for a paper. That means that every one of us is in another time zone from the next person by such a tiny amount of time that we will never be aware of it
2018-03-09 1:49 am
Who wants to travel must book the ticket, even online, so you can travel by plane, train, ship, or bus!

What you are saying is pure fantasy, our time is here, on earth, at the moment the soul has left his body will travel to his Dimension, awaiting the judgment of God.

So it will be the soul of the person who will travel, in the future, not his body, when God will also resurrect the body, the dimensions will be 2, or with God in heaven, or hell with demons.
2018-03-08 8:46 am
No. Not possible.
2018-03-08 8:46 am
I think it already is. Just because humans perceive time in a linear fashion, does not mean it really is.
2018-03-10 5:58 am
If it was possible there would be time travellers among us now.
2018-03-09 3:59 pm
No. I believe in the *possibility* of a lot of things, but not in the ability to turn back time.
2018-03-09 12:55 pm
I hope someday... I would LOVE to go back in time and change things in my life that I regret so badly.
2018-03-09 5:21 am
The current thinking from physicists is that it is not possible to travel into the past. It's the universe's method of preventing a paradox. While miniscule wormholes can open up to the past, these are very short lived and very tiny, so it would not be possible to physically send anything through.

This idea was sort of explored in the movie, Interstella where they could send information back in time, but just created a time loop "I do this action now because I have already done it in the past." type of thing.

This might be as close to "time travel" as we can ever come.
2018-03-08 8:46 am
I dont think so.
2018-03-09 10:48 am
You can travel into the future by moving near the speed of light. But there is no way to go into the past. That could cause a paradox, so most scientists, including Hawking, think nature will always find a way to forbid time travel to the past.
2018-03-08 8:52 am
maybe in another lifetime
2018-03-10 7:41 pm
IIE mean No at Japan, time travel impossible.
2018-03-08 10:12 am
yes but don't hold your breath
2018-03-08 8:47 am
Yes eventually
2018-03-08 11:09 am
It possibly already is in another galaxy.
On Earth,never.
2018-03-09 10:31 am
I think it would be more like jumping into a parallel universe and not the one you traveled from. If that were true, it would mean you couldn't travel back. It would be a one way trip.
2018-03-08 1:00 pm is interesting;
The closest phenomenon in books seems to be soul travel and visiting akashic records and such as "The Masters and Their Retreats," "Entering the Circle" and "The Master of Lucid Dreams."
Also: has the occasional "time-traveling" guest.

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