Is it appropriate for men to ask women for money?

2018-03-07 2:45 pm
Just asking for an opinion, because I notice in my area how male panhandlers aggressively accost women, sometimes even pregnant women and single mothers, for money, often to the point of near harassment, and they can't seem to do this with other men.

Some girls tell me they also feel uncomfortable when their boyfriends/husbands ask them for money or help with their bills or whenever they are the ones who are made to take them out to dinner (which might be why many women these days are choosing to remain single?)

So just wondering if a man who really loves his woman would treat her this way, and if you're a woman, how would you feel/react if your man appears to depend on you for financial support. Would this be ok with you or would you leave, thanks.

回答 (6)

2018-03-07 2:52 pm
Obviously the pan handlers shouldn't do that, and what does that have to do with a partner asking for money? Just because they are the same gender doesn't mean it's the same situation.
2018-03-07 2:55 pm
Not at all
2018-03-08 1:37 am of the idiots here typed that when a bum does it to a random woman or when a man does it to his own wife or girlfriend, it's not the same thing. But I disagree. Whenever men I don't know aggressively ask me for money, or ask 10 other women, including pregnant women and single women with children for money, before they finally, reluctantly ask the men, (giving all the the muscle-bound beefcakes a very wide berth), I usually get this vibe that these guys are homeless because their girlfriends kicked them out after they leeched off of them for months/years and refused to support any children they had with them.
參考: I see this all the time.
2018-03-07 6:41 pm
The gender doesn't matter, and it depends what its for.
2018-03-07 11:50 pm
Gender does not matter in this case. I've met many men who ask their women, and have also met many women who ask their men. I loaned my girlfriend $4k before, she has already paid back half.
2018-03-07 11:41 pm
If you can't stand people asking you for money, get the hell out of the big city and go back to your protected little suburban mall-land. In the REAL world, there IS no "right" to never have to face anything unpleasant.

Or else stop voting for liberals and conservatives, and start supporting a socialist political approach where people don't have to beg on the street for their living.

I've got no patience with you spoiled middle-classers.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 14:32:38
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