以下TED摘錄句之 ”what I noticed IS that…” 及”that’S what kept me …” 文法是否有問題?

2018-03-07 7:35 am
Article: The brain-changing benefits of exercise
Speaker: Wendy Suzuki
I went to kickbox, dance, yoga, step class, and at first it was really hard.
But what I noticed is that after every sweat-inducing workout that I tried, I had this great mood boost and this great energy boost.
And that's what kept me going back to the gym.
Well, I started feeling stronger.

回答 (2)

2018-03-09 11:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
But what I noticed "is" that after every sweat-inducing workout that I tried, I had this great mood boost and this great energy boost. 所述雖是我以前的經驗(noticed, tried, had都是過去發生的action verbs)。但主要動詞state verb的be動詞,用了「現在簡單式」,表示所述狀況是真實的。如果只是以前才如此,現在不一樣了,或是強調「當時」是這個狀況,才會用「簡單過去式」。
And that "is" what kept me going back to the gym. 理由同上。也是表示所述為真實的,所以用「現在簡單式」的is。
2018-03-07 2:18 pm
what I noticed (is that)-------used at the beginning of a statement to emphasize what you are going to say
=what mattters is what I noticed
=what I noticed--n.cl.

that is (what kept me)
=used to introduce a clause about something that is known or certain--what to do/say/expect showed/kept.
=that is (what kept me)
=what I showed
=the thing which
=what kept me--adv.cl

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