won a eBay auction seller cancled my order without my permision, but when i click on the item it shows I can still pay for it?

2018-03-06 11:13 pm
asked a seller for a lower shipping rate, and they said i don't what the shipping would cost and just cancled my order without my approval. Now when i went back and clicked on the item it still allows me to pay the auction price. Can i still pay and get the item. Never wanted it to be cancled

回答 (7)

2018-03-07 4:46 am
I doubt it. The price is the price (including shipping). You knew what the shipping costs were when you bid on the item. The seller no longer trusts you, and now doesn't want to sell to you. You are a pain in the a$$, and a problem buyer. You'll be lucky if the seller doesn't file a complaint against you. Look elsewhere for the item.
2018-03-07 5:28 am
That transaction is over. If the money doesn't come back, contact eBay.

I would report your account and it would likely be blocked as a result. You cannot win a bid and then attempt to negotiate on the shipping...that's against the terms of service.
2018-03-07 12:25 am
Legally if the shipping cost is shown in the auction, then THAT is what you obliged to pay as regards shipping

there IS no "asking" for a lower cost

The price you pay is the winning price PLUS those shipping costs

You dont want to pay those chipping costs then he dont have to ask you anything - cos you are in breach of contract

You are very lucky if he dont report you to ebay for failing to honour your side of the contract AND sue you for eany expenses he had as a result

The one thing you MUST grasp is
an auction is a process subject to legal rules
WINNING that auction you have entered into a contract to purchase the item at the winning price AND any shipping costs shown in the auction.
2018-03-06 11:17 pm
First contact the seller and explain that you still want the item AND are willing to pay the shipping advertised. If the seller says No, don't pay.
2018-03-07 3:30 am
If seller cancelled the transaction, thats the end of it. Ebay's function may not have caught up with the seller's action.
2018-03-07 5:44 am
They don't need your permission to cancel and the option is their incase the item got damaged and then obviously you don't want a broke item.
2018-03-08 7:27 am
if the seller cancelled it you won't get it

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