Can someone please translate this Chinese for me?

2018-03-06 10:14 pm
I found this cup which had this writing on the side of the cup. Other than what you can see, there was a painted character on the inside.

What does this writing mean?

回答 (1)

2018-03-06 11:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
名人言 = quote from famous people

風 = wind

I can't seem to search a poem for the exact word.
But there's a similar one, maybe they come from the same poet:
浮梁 = a place
Whole sentence: The business man left easily because he value benefit more. Last month he went to 浮梁 to buy and sell tea.
So I deduce the sentence on the cup means Last year you went away, I know you value trading (business), I can only count on/ rely on 梁, a horse and my own clothes.

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