An app for arranging a fight? What are your thoughts?

2018-03-06 11:27 am
I was thinking of creating an app where two people angry at each other get to meet up for a boxing match. The rules are that both need to wear boxing gloves and during the entire time, the fight must be recorded live and the location of the fight must be shown publicly so that if the fight becomes illegal then people watching the livestream of the fight can call the police to that location. The point is that people are often annoyed at one another, and my idea is that before they start really hurting each other badly, that they fight in a more regulated environment where nobody will end up in hospital, and both participants will get to take their anger out on one another. After the fight, both must shake hands and then separate and keep the livestream going until the distance between them two exceeds a safe distance and then the whole fight is over.
The point of the livestream is that both can trust each other not to bring a weapon or friends, and that the fight will be between them two and only them two and nobody will go to hospital.

回答 (8)

2018-03-06 11:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
The first rule of fight club is: you do not talk about fight club.

The second rule of fight club is: you DO NOT talk about fight club.
2018-03-06 11:51 pm
I hope you didn't waste too much time thinking this idea up, Skippy.
2018-03-06 1:24 pm
First off, your high. Put down the bong, you've had enough.

Secondly, like joe said. Don't talk about fight club. Seriously, the police will see this as an illegal fight club. Having a fight like this is assault. Wearing boxing gloves doesn't change that.

Since there will be a crowd there, people will start betting. Now it's illegal gambling. If you get any money from this, by charging for the app or charging people who use the app, then you'll be prosecuted as a mobster.

Just because they were boxing gloves doesn't make it safe. People get hurt in boxing rings all the time.

I could list a thousand things that could go wrong. Including a gang war. And you can't set everything up to go wrong, and then just call the cops as if that fixes everything.


I forgot about crowd security. And trespassing. You can't just use some store parking lot to promote your fight club.

All that is why.,,,,,,,

The first rule of fight club is you never talk about fight club.
2018-03-06 11:34 am
Sounds stupid as hell.

Much like someone just typed out a stupid idea and then put the word app at the beginning, as if that somehow made the idea less stupid.
2018-03-06 11:29 am
You should see a therapist. This isn't a healthy way to think.
2018-03-06 11:29 am
Isn't it easier just to say, "You and me. Behind the gym. 3:00."?
2018-03-06 7:34 pm
I expect you would be turned down by EVERY app store, and possibly receive unwanted attention from law enforcement,
2018-03-06 1:53 pm
If you make a profit from it, you will be arrested for arranging prizefights without a license. No joke, prosecutors nowadays use the laws that usually concern boxing and MMA, etc., to shut down various sorts of fight clubs on so on.

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